Call for contributionsWe will welcome prospective participants to submit extended abstracts (2 to 4 pages) related to the workshop's topics of interest to be presented as posters. The manuscripts should use the IEEE IROS two-column format. A PDF copy of the manuscript should be submitted through the dedicated EasyChair access. Each paper will receive a minimum of two reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance to the workshop topics, contributions, technical clarity, and presentation. Accepted papers require that at least one of the authors register for the workshop.
Accepted papers will be presented as short oral presentation and posters contribution prepared in advance. The presentation should be up to 3-minutes talk in a teaser form to give opportunity for all presenters to highlight the key findings of their research and identify their poster to the audience. Moreover, the workshop will welcome prospective participants to submit videos related to the workshop's topics of interest. The video should be uploaded on youtube (up to 2mins) and the link should be submitted along with an abstract (video description) to the dedicated EasyChair access. Accepted videos require that at least one of the authors register for the workshop. These videos will be projected during the workshop and will be posted on the webpage of the workshop. |
Important Dates:Submission deadline: Notification of acceptance: 07th September 2018 Final submission: 20th September 2018 Workshop date: 1st October 2018 Workshop room: 4.R1 |